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Thursday, August 27, 2020
Living Resources of the Ocean
Living Resources of the Ocean Presentation The sea is among the most significant regular assets offered to humanity. It has broad advantages to human life and it gives a brilliant biological system wherein different life forms live. Coming up next are a few instances of the advantages that the sea has on human life (2). The sea is broadly utilized for transportation of massive merchandise over significant distances. It is additionally a truly significant wellspring of various minerals and unrefined petroleum. A large portion of these minerals are found in profound sea.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Living Resources of the Ocean explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Examples of these maritime minerals incorporate cobalt, salt, iron, copper, manganese and so forth. The sea is additionally an important amusement site for individuals. It gives a quiet situation that goes about as a fascination in individuals on vacations looking for unwinding. The sea is likewise a wellspring of living beings with helpful clinical worth. It additionally controls the degree of ozone harming substances in the environment by taking climatic carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. This is a significant contribution to the endeavors towards decrease of the degrees of an unnatural weather change. In conclusion, the sea is a significant wellspring of biodiversity (1). It gives living beings that have extraordinary incentive to human life. The most estimable among the advantages of marine life to human life are the way that marine life can go about as food and the way that some maritime living beings have restorative worth. Living assets of the sea The marine living space harbors a huge level of the earth’s aggregate populace of plants and creatures. More than one million creature animal categories and plant species have just been found and researchers have assessed that an additional 9,000,000 species are as yet living in the marine biome without human revelation. Battalion, Tom. Basics of Oceanography. Wadsworth Publishing. Resenick, John. Sea life Biology. Reston Publishing Company This implies, of all plant and creature populace living in the sea we just know 10%. In this way if the researchers are right, there is a great deal of plant and creature species in the seas that could have more an incentive than just drugs and food. Let us investigate the marine creatures that have just been discovered.Advertising Looking for exposition on ecological examinations? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fish The sea has been the main wellspring of fish for a very long time. People have utilized the sea for an exceptionally prolonged stretch of time as their wellspring of fish for food. The way that the sea is brimming with a horde types of fish is along these lines self-evident. Explicit instances of marine fish and their adjustments incorporate the dark swallower which can significantly increase the size o f its stomach so as to go after other fish that are greater that it is. Another model is the tripod fish which gets its name from its astoundingly long caudal and pelvic blades. Fish likewise have different adjustments for marine life. For all intents and purposes all fish have smoothed out bodies for simplicity of headway (1). All fish have their blood siphoned from the heart to the gills from where it is provided to other body parts. Consequently fish are, along these lines adjusted to get by in profound water by taking in oxygen from the water through their gills. Fish have likewise had the option to get by in seas because of the steady accessibility of their main food: the microscopic fishes. These are little fish that are gone after by for all intents and purposes each marine life form. In this manner marine fish can never be famished. A conversation about the kinds of marine fish would be fragmented without the notice of sharks. Sharks are generally known for their colossal bo dies. They feed on different creatures and along these lines they are carnivores. Their regular weight control plans incorporate lobsters, crabs, hard fishes, worms and mollusks. The decision of what to eat is typically dictated by the accessibility of the last mentioned. Along these lines pelagic sharks typically feed on squid. Sharks will subsequently eat dead fish at the sea depths. Battalion, Tom. Fundamentals of Oceanography. Wadsworth Publishing. Tiger sharks are accepted to have the option to eat anything. Most sharks invest practically the entirety of their energy swimming so as to permit breath to uninhibitedly occur. Nonetheless, different sharks are typically found in sea depths where they complete their breath ordinarily (1). Marine Mammals Marine life is likewise made out of various warm blooded animals. Much the same as other marine living things, warm blooded creatures are adjusted to adapt to the unforgiving day to day environments that are normal for marine life. Fo r instance, they regularly have a thick layer of fat under their skins to assist them with protecting their bodies from unnecessary warmth misfortune. This is on the grounds that a few locales of the experience very cold temperatures.Advertising We will compose a custom article test on Living Resources of the Ocean explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Contrarily, ocean otters, a case of sea warm blooded creatures, have thick hide rather than fat that effectively insulates them from the amazingly cool temperatures of the sea. These adjustments against heat misfortune are required by the way that marine well evolved creatures are like earthbound vertebrates as far as their warm bloodedness. They are hence compelled to build up these adjustments in an offer to keep their temperatures above sea temperatures. Different instances of marine vertebrates incorporate seals, whales, ocean dairy animals, dugongs and manatees. Different adjustments of well evolved creatures to warm protection incorporate an enormous inward volume and decreased surface region. Their blood is additionally controlled to guarantee that lone an insignificant sum approaches cold water. They likewise have different adjustments to marine life separated from heat protection instruments. Such adjustments incorporate capacity to oust air from lungs as they make a plunge the sea (Garrison 1). This empowers them to maintain a strategic distance from abundance admission of nitrogen. Army, Tom. Basics of Oceanography. Wadsworth Publishing. They likewise have more slow pulses, high measure of hemoglobin in blood and key blood stream. Both fish and marine warm blooded animals have smoothed out bodies yet while marine vertebrates are fit for swimming both evenly and vertically, most fish are just ready to swim on a level plane. This is because of distinction in the adjustment of their tails. Warm blooded creatures are even while those of a lion's share of fish have flat direction. Fish and most well evolved creatures have smoothed out bodies which upgrades their versatility in water. The couple of warm blooded animals which don't have smoothed out bodies have other uncommon adjustments that empower them to get by in the sea. These uncommon adjustments incorporate cover or body guards that shield them from ocean carnivores (1).Advertising Searching for exposition on ecological examinations? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Benthic life structures Benthic is a term used to portray the zone of the sea that lies beneath the pelagic zone. It isn't the last zone as far as profundity however regardless of this reality, it is regularly alluded to as the ocean bed. The most profound zone of the sea is known as the deep zone. The benthic zone is described by very virus water since daylight doesn't enter such profundities. Life forms that live in the benthic zone are primarily organisms, microorganisms, fish, worms and wipes. These benthic structures make due in the cruel states of this zone since they typically have adjustments for opposing cold temperatures and furthermore in light of the fact that the benthic zone is wealthy in supplements. Likewise clear among benthic living things are ocean stars which are ordinarily savage (1). Other marine life structures Other marine living things incorporate creatures that have invulnerable shells that shield them from being preyed by different creatures in the sea. Bat talion, Tom. Basics of Oceanography. Wadsworth Publishing. A case of such creatures is the chitons which live only in the sea. The component that unmistakably recognizes them is the covering plates at the rear of the creature . The plates are eight in number and they upgrade the physical morphology of the creature for assurance. Such life forms typically have immature organs for similarity of their bodies with their shells (4). Their adjustments to marine life have caused them to flourish in this savage condition for a long time. This is despite the way that they are preyed by sharks. Conservation of marine biome A great deal should be done to lessen the pace of annihilation of marine life. Human exercises like angling, industrialization (contamination), remaking, experimentation, transportation and so forth have had a steady negative impact on marine life. An extensively enormous number of fish bite the dust each year because of the contamination brought about by the removal of mec hanical effluents in to the sea. In different regions individuals have overfished the seas, getting adolescent fish and along these lines constraining the development of fish populace. Anglers have additionally ceaselessly utilized wrong angling strategies that keep on being a danger to the development of biodiversity (3). For instance, some anglers may use angling techniques which make them get undesirable types of fish and along these lines adding to the failure of specific types of fish to duplicate. It is our obligation to endeavor to preserve marine life. For example, when arranging reproduction of intertidal maritime zones, we should most importantly examine the impact that our activities are probably going to have on marine life and complete the essential strides to decrease them. Berta, Annalisa. Marine Mammals. McMillan Publishing. Humbler, Mark and Littler, Diane. â€Å"The Evolution of Thallus Form and Survival Strategies in Benthic Marine Microalgae For example, before recreation, fake waters could be made in the sea shores to safeguard corals and fish so they can be shielded from the impacts of the remaking procedure. Associations ought to guarantee that they practice Corporate Social Responsibility by contributing magnanimous
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Evaluation of marketing strategy and recommendations †Myassignmenthel
Question: Assess promoting procedure and proposals. Answer: Presentation Wesfarmers is the association in the Study. The target of the task is to build up a showcasing plan, which will address the accompanying elements in the investigation. The thought of the eight advertising blend is one of the fundamental apparatuses which is investigated during the time spent improvement of the present promoting plan. Advancement of various types of promoting procedures incorporates the general goal of the distinctive association towards the improvement procedure of a functioning just as an appropriate advertising plan and tasks (Aaker, 2013). A portion of the issues, which Wesfarmers faces throughout building up a fitting showcasing plan, are featured in the outline of the task (Bertelsen, 2012). The closing piece of the investigation will address various types of suggestions, which are accomplished in the synopsis of the activity. In any case, the task will finish up about various centrality towards building up an appropriate advertising plan. Foundation of the investigation Wesfarmers began its excursion from the year 1914 (Home - Wesfarmers, 2016). Wesfarmers is an aggregate organization, which is worked by a gathering of ranchers in the general business activities. It is one of the biggest Australian associations and one of the major recorded gatherings in the Australian market (Home - Wesfarmers, 2016). The central station of this specific gathering arranged in Perth, which is one of the top urban areas in Western Australia. The general business activities of Wesfarmers differentiated in various segments, which start from markets, inns, accommodation stores, home improvement, office supplies, retail chains, industrials division with trade with synthetic compounds vitality and manures, industry and wellbeing items and coal. It is perhaps the biggest australia private segment associations which creates with a worker base of around 210, 000 and has an investor base of roughly 500,000. Wesfarmers solidly accepts towards giving a palatable come back to it s normal investors, as investors are the key components of an alternate business association (Bredeson, 2012). Points and goals of the Company There are sure authoritative plans and systems which dominant part of the firm organizations regardless of nature just as objectives of the business creates in the general corporate activities. Be that as it may, there are various types of points just as targets which each business associations attempts to achieve the general objectives and goals of the trade (Cateora, Gilly, Graham, 2013). Wesfarmers creates and addresses all the endeavors of the people in the gatherings to fulfill the requirements of the clients through the arrangement of products and ventures by keeping up an appropriate serious and expert framework (Chaffey, Ellis-Chadwick, Chaffey, 2012). The subsequent target is to give a protected workplace to all the representatives by building up a fitting prize framework in the association. The third points of the authoritative are to contribute a critical part to the general development of the nation, which incorporates the improvement of an appropriate GDP for the nation by searching out various types of chance towards the advancement procedure of a decent extension (Home - Wesfarmers, 2016). With the use of a fitting showcasing plan, the association will have the option to address what are the key issues and will and will have the option to satisfy the general advertising plans and destinations (Collins, 2012). Wesfarmers offers a broad scope of items and administrations to its clients. The motivation behind the task is to center towards the improvement just as showcasing of a solitary item and administrations. The products and ventures plot Wesfarmers is broadened. The activity will center towards the advancement procedure of comfort stores and items, which are, satisfy the necessities of the family unit prerequisites. An apparatus perfect can be handily found, and it doesn't expect clients to proceed with an extraordinary dynamic procedure (Daniel, 2012). The association focuses on four sorts of shopper items, which incorporates comfort items, shopping items, strength items, and unsought items. The thought of various types accommodation items is featured in the general procedures of the association. The accommodation items are brought purchased all the more as often as possible by the clients (Gupta, Massisimo, Koontz, 2013). The group will center towards the improvement procedure of an appropriate persuade items which incorporate clothing cleansers, cheap food, sugar and magazines which are low evaluated (Mangum Kerr, 2012). Layout of eight Marketing Mix The thought of the advertising blend is one of the compelling promoting instruments, which dominant part of the business firm creates in the endeavor tasks (Hood, 2013). There are eight significant components, which are featured towards the advancement procedure of this specific promoting apparatus. Commercial and Promotions are the two essential parts, which various associations dependent on the goals of the business, creates in the firm activities. The accompanying piece of the examination will investigate the all the variables which Wesfarmers creates in this specific promoting device (Jobber, 2012). Item The item is the essential factor in this specific advertising apparatus. Items must be something, which must be clients want. The best promoting idea on the planet is towards selling a respectable item with an absence of interest (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor, 2012). The showcasing directors of Wesfarmers needs to create and explore what are the various types of item that diverse individual needs from the association (Keegan Green, 2013). The task will focus on the application on the use of the different kinds family unit items, which incorporate which mostly incorporate persuading items. The chiefs additionally need to comprehend the relations of the items in the market as it will differentiate the general prerequisites of the associations (Werhane, 2012). Estimating Strategy The subsequent factor is cost. Cost is one of the critical components, which influences the buying choices of the clients gigantically. To keep up a legitimate client base building up a fitting evaluating system is a definitive goal of various firms (Kotler Armstrong, 2012). All the persuade items regarding Wesfarmers falls under the idea of the impeccably promoting structure. Cost is one of the most essential factors in this specific advertising structure (Home - Wesfarmers, 2016). The association needs to assess all the variables of this specific market structure in a legitimate way to close the best estimating procedures in the general showcasing activities. The client in this specific market structure gets various types of buying alternatives as all the items just as administrations are effectively accessible (Kurtz Boone, 2012). Advancement Out of all the eight components, which are talked about in the task the most critical factor in the general showcasing choice, is towards building up an appropriate special blend. The idea of special blend, which incorporates various types of ad plans and systems, is one of the most critical factors in the general business tasks (Mangum Kerr, 2012). Advancement of a legitimate business, just as the elaboration of a proper special blend, will permit Wesfarmers to assess a two-way correspondence process between the dealers where the association will be profited specifically ways (Miller, 2012). Wesfarmers immovably accepts towards the improvement procedure of the items dependent on the necessities of the market. To do as such, Wesfarmers will have the option to close various types of requests well as various kinds of client patterns and then again; the clients will have the option to finish up what are the items just as administrations, which Wesfarmers offers to its customers (Zorc et al., 2012). There are two methods of special just as promotion strategies, which Wesfarmers creates, in the showcasing plan (Potter, 2012). The two techniques for special and ad frameworks incorporate customary method of distribution and present day method of promotion (Pride, 2012). The possibility of the customary method of the commercial includes utilizing paper media, which incorporates a diary, articles, factual reports and significantly more. Then again, the advanced method of correspondence systems has given one of the significant forward leaps in the general field-tested strategy (Pride, Hughes, Kapoor, 2012). The use of the advanced technique for specialized strategies incorporates the thought towards utilizing the TV ad, official sites, and messages and in particular, the utilization of the web based life devices gave one of the significant forward leaps and contributed the most huge part towards the improvement procedure of a legitimate E-trade system (Steve Vargo. Lusch, 2012). Wesfarmers firmly concurs with this specific point that advancement of suitable E-business techniques will permit the association to assess the interest and needs of the clients what individuals consider showcasing (Thorson Duffy, 2012). The advancement procedure of a proper special action will permit Wesfarmers to incorporates each part of showcasing which incorporates bundling, promoting, deals philosophy, and salesmen. One point, which needs to upgrade a little change in the limited time measurement of the association, may deliver changes in the income just as benefit of the gathering (Werhane, 2012). Spot and Distribution The idea of the topographical area is known as a spot. In any case, various advertisers immovably accept to this specific point where the clients meet the business people of the association is known as the thought of spot. There are a few sorts of deals strategies just as deals rehearses (Werhane, 2012). An immediate deals appro
Introduction of Econometric Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Presentation of Econometric - Assignment Example The examination planned for deciding the determinants of time-based compensation (subordinate variable). The assessed consistent and coefficients had a p-esteem roughly equivalent to zero and consequently were measurably noteworthy at 5% huge level. Also the model was seen as effectively indicated with a likelihood F roughly equivalent to 0. Be that as it may, R-squared equalled to 0.2571, suggesting that the model was not all that great, as the logical factors , training and experience just represented 25.7% of all progressions accumulating to hour pay, more awful however, they represented 25.56% when balanced for degrees of opportunity( balanced R squared =0.2556). Given poor decency of fit, it was guessed there was sexual orientation segregation in time-based compensation circulation, henceforth making sex a logical variable. As matter of truth, male time-based compensations arrived at the midpoint of higher than females’ (table 2). The suggestion is that men for the most part profit are higher than ladies. The general model stayed noteworthy (prob. F roughly equivalent to zero). Integrity of fit improved to 0.3042 and 0.3021 when balanced for degrees of opportunity. In spite of the fact that the steady tried not factually not the same as zero (p-esteem 0.073) at 95% certainty level, the coefficients remained measurably critical and consequently it was instigated that holding training and experience consistent, guys procure 2.389 euros more than females every hour. The general wellness of the model improved (R2 = 0.3160 and balanced R2 = 0.3132), subsequently improving it than the past. F-test kept up that the general model was effectively determined and all coefficients just as the consistent were factually unique in relation to zero with at 1% importance level. As indicated by the assessed model, the compensation for an additional time of experience was 0.5632 euros higher in male than in females, holding different factors steady. Also, ceteris paribus, females were compensated 0.3903 euros less
Friday, August 21, 2020
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky essays
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky articles Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky is as I would like to think one of the best traditional music authors ever. He additionally had one of the most intriguing lives I have ever perused about. Despite the fact that he endured an enormous immensity of enthusiastic issues and mental meltdowns, alongside managing cruel cases of adoration and passing, his music mirrors these feelings in an excellent manner. Tchaikovsky (likewise spelled Chaikovsky or Tschaikovsky, and frequently alluded to as Subside), was conceived on May seventh, 1840 in Votkinsk, Russia. His dad, Ilya Petrovitch Tchaikvosky, was the administrator of government possessed mines, giving his family an high society remaining in Russia, and Tchaikovsky had a French tutor (generally in light of the fact that his mom was half-French). Despite the fact that he was musically skilled at a youthful age, his folks were unsupportive as he was somewhat on edge and edgy, and they figured music would do him significantly more damage intellectually. In any case, even before age 10, he had just started creating music. As a result of an exchange in his dads work in around 1850, the family was moved to Moscow and afterward to St. Petersburg, where Tchaikovsky was sent to the prepatory School of Jurisprudence, which was all male. He lived to some degree joyfully until his moms demise four years after the fact. He had adored her definitely, unusually, and was profoundly upset by it, with his dads heartless way strengthening the issue much more dreadful. To help mitigate a portion of the agony in question, Tchaikovsky formed a short three step dance for piano, with considerations of creating a drama also. Hidden gay wants additionally troubled him during this time, while going to an all-male school didnt help it any. For the remainder of these school years, the main melodic instruction he got was irregular piano, singing, and amicability exercises, alongside a few show attendances, which have been said to have enduring effects on his musi... <!
How to Write a Tok Essay
How to Write a Tok EssayHow to write a tok essay is quite easy. Actually, it is just an adaptation of the format for a professional essay. You have to keep in mind the grammar rules for writing a tok essay. The key to your success is to prepare well for the exam so that you can write a tok essay.You can never know how much of this advice is helpful when you are doing your tok essay. This is because you do not know if your teacher or tutor will also make changes for your essay. Here are some tips that might help you on how to write a tok essay:* The subject of your essay should be related to the subject of your paper. It is also vital that you follow the time-table on your paper. This means you should set the order of your paper so that you know what you are going to write about.* The topics that you choose for the topic of your essay should relate to the themes or material in your topic of study. That way, you will know the logical order of your essay.* Important subjects to write ab out are politics, current events, science, philosophy, and literature. However, you have to keep in mind that you can put whatever you want in your essay. As long as it pertains to the topic that you have chosen, then you are all right.* You must be passionate about your topic when you are writing a tok essay. If you are not, then it is very likely that you will get stuck. So, you have to be a writer or you will not succeed in writing a tok essay.* When you are writing a the essay, do not use the first name of your professor. So, when you are writing a tok essay, it is vital that you use your last name. This is because many people will remember the name of your professor and will be able to correct you if you miss a word or slip up.One of the most important things that you need to keep in mind when you are writing a tok essay is to keep a note of the time that you spent on each topic. This is because you do not want to get into the habit of forgetting to write the time. When you are writing a tok essay, it is imperative that you write down every minute that you spend on your topic of study.
Friday, June 26, 2020
2017 Best Brightest Ellie Landsman, Boston University (Questrom)
2017 Best Brightest: Ellie Landsman, Boston University (Questrom) by: Jeff Schmitt on April 09, 2017 | 0 Comments Comments 595 Views April 9, 2017Elisabeth (Ellie) Landsman Boston University, Questrom School of Businessâ€Å"A student-athlete who embodies â€Å"hard work beats talent when talent doesn’t work hard.†Fun fact about yourself: I met Arnold Palmer after playing his course, Bay HillHometown: Sudbury, MAHigh School: Lincoln-Sudbury Regional High SchoolMajor: Business Administration- Concentration: FinanceFavorite Business Courses: Leadership and Management of Social EnterprisesStrategy, Innovation, and Global CompetitionAnalyticsExtracurricular Activities, Community Work and Leadership Roles During College: Boston University Varsity Field Hockey2016 Patriot League Defensive Player of the Year2016 All-Patriot League First Team2016 NFHCA All-Region First Team2016 NFHCA Senior All-Star Game ParticipantBeta Gamma Sigma National Honorary SocietyDeans ListPatr iot League Academic Honor Roll and National Field Hockey Academic Squad (2013-present)Community WorkAthletes for Autism- Volunteer: Formed a relationship with designated athlete and used sports and fun games as a medium to connect.Leadership RolesBoston University Varsity Field Hockey- Captain (2016 season)Where have you interned during your college career? The TJX Companies, Framingham, MA, Merchandising InternDescribe your dream Job: My dream job is to work for a consulting firm in the social impact space that will allows me to leverage my business skills in a rewarding and meaningful environment.Who is your favorite professor? My favorite professor is Prof. David Stolow who teaches Leadership and Management of Social Enterprises and is the Faculty Director for the Public and Nonprofit MBA Program at BU. He is incredibly knowledgeable about nonprofits and genuinely cares about the success of his students beyond the classroom. He has been an incredible mentor for me throughout t he career exploration process.Which executive or entrepreneur do you most admire? As a woman entering the business world, I admire Sheryl Sandberg, the COO of Facebook. She is an extremely successful female leader and advocate for gender equality in the workplace.What did you enjoy most about majoring in a business-related field? I enjoy the real world application and collaborative environment.Where would you like to work after graduation? Top consulting firm, ConsultantWhat are your long-term professional goals? In the short-term, my goal is to work for a company that has a rigorous environment in which I will be learning every day and able to make an immediate impact. My long-term professional goals are to become an expert in my field and to wake up every day excited about the work and impact I am making in the world.â€Å"I knew I wanted to major in business when†¦I was exposed to group projects in my first business course. The emphasis on teamwork and collaboration alig ned with my background as an athlete.†â€Å"If I didn’t major in business, I would be†¦an Economics major.†â€Å"Before I entered business school, I wish I had known†¦to develop relationships with professors before my junior and senior years.†What was the happiest moment of your life? It was in the fall of 2014 when our field hockey won the Patriot League Championship. We faced a great deal of adversity leading up to the championship and had lost the year prior. Winning the championship was a culmination of our hard work, and ultimately meant that our team would advance to the NCAA Tournament Sweet 16 for the first time in five years.Which academic, extracurricular or personal achievement are you most proud of? I am most proud of winning Patriot League Defensive Player of the Year because it is a symbol of all of the hard work and sacrifice I made over the past four years.What animal would you choose to represent your professional brand? A duck r epresents my professional brand because they are â€Å"calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath†(Michael Caine). Both on the field hockey field and in the classroom, I pride myself on being a composed leader with a strong work ethic.Who would you most want to thank for your success? I would like to thank my parents and three older brothers, Sam, Charlie, and Teddy, for my success. My parents are incredibly supportive in everything I do and did not miss one of my field hockey games in my career. I also owe a great deal of my success to my brothers who have been role models and great resources for advice as I navigated my college career.What would you like your business school peers to say about you after you graduate from this program? I would like my peers to say that I have a â€Å"first-in, last-out†mentality on and off the field hockey field.Favorite book: Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi AdichieFavorite movie: The Shawshank RedemptionFav orite musical performer: Red Hot Chili PeppersFavorite vacation spot: Cape CodWhat are your hobbies? Golf, running, and travelingWhat made Elisabeth such an invaluable addition to the Class of 2017?â€Å"Elisabeth Landsman was a superb student in my seminar, Leadership and Management of Social Enterprises, which she took in the fall of her junior year (most students in the class were seniors). Ellie was diligent in her preparation and insightful in her comments. She pursued her major project with creativity and an uncommon zest for learning.What has impressed me most about Ellie, however, is not what she did in the course but what she has done since. As an accomplished finance concentrator, Ellie could have confined her job search to entry-level positions with prestigious firms in the financial services sector. But she has not been content to travel only the best-known path. Working in partnership with me, Ellie has explored opportunities for additional learning and career developm ent. She has sat in on several sessions of MBA courses in order to learn about innovative organizations that deploy sophisticated financial tools for community development. She has met with diverse professionals to learn about their career paths and the application of rigorous skills to drive social impact. Even as she was concluding her senior season as a varsity athlete and team captain, Ellie sought opportunities to advance her learning, expand her network, and look for a first job that aligns with her skill set and her idealism. Ellie has demonstrated extraordinary maturity, professionalism, and clarity of values – all of which she carries off with modesty and good humor.†David StolowFaculty Director, Public and Nonprofit Management ProgramBoston University, Questrom School of Businessâ€Å"Ellie Landsman is the â€Å"total†package when you speak about the definition of a student athlete. She strives for success in every aspect of her life and does not back down from challenges. Academically, she has excelled in Questrom with a 3.73 cumulative GPA. Ellie was a 4-year starter on our nationally ranked Field Hockey team and had an exceptional senior year. She was selected to be a tri-captain, was selected Defensive Player of the Year for the Patriot League, and 1st Team Regional All-American. All of these accomplishments are a direct result of her excellent work ethic in the classroom, the hockey field and her dedication over the summer to have outstanding fitness.Her sophomore year she had badly sprained her ankle the week before the Patriot League Conference Championship and we were not sure she would be able to play. She got heavily taped and bravely competed for us and we won two games that weekend to secure the championship. We had a very small bench that year and really needed her on the field for us..she played a key role in our success.†Sally Starr Head Field Hockey Coach Boston University AthleticsDONT MISS: THE FULL HONOR ROLL: THE BEST BRIGHTEST UNDERGRADUATE BUSINESS MAJORS OF 2017 Page 1 of 11
Monday, May 25, 2020
Fahrenheit 451 By George Orwell - 1931 Words
During the 1940s and 1950s, when society as a whole was threatened by the ideals of communism, censorship, and new invasive technology, authors were exploring a future when these specific fears came to pass. Related themes involving citizens losing certain freedoms were implemented into these novels which generated connections between these stories. In his novel, Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury describes a distant world in which the idea of censorship was exaggerated to such an extent that it was illegal for any literature to exist, and if found books are burned by the firemen. Similar to Bradbury’s society, 1984 by George Orwell includes a corrupt government where members of the Party are under surveillance at all hours of the day, and the worst crime committed is thinking anything different from what the central leader, Big Brother, allows members to think. In order to express their concerns for the destructive path they view society taking, the authors of both Fahrenheit 451 a nd 1984 utilize satirical examples when elaborating on the similar themes portrayed in both of the dystopian novels. Within both Fahrenheit 451 and 1984, a theme consistently embedded into the stories is the lack of emotional connection between people of the two societies. In Fahrenheit 451, the relationship between Montag and Mildred is purely one of title. This is evident when Montag asks Mildred where and when they met, but neither of them can remember. Mildred, unfazed by this discovery,Show MoreRelatedFahrenheit 451 By George Orwell962 Words  | 4 PagesBoth George Orwell s novel 1984 and Eric Blair’s novel Fahrenheit 451 depict a dystopian society. This was a popular theme of the era since it was a time where the world was at war with a society that wanted complete control of the planet. That society being the totalitarian state of Nazi Germany, Italy and Japan. The settings that occur in both books depict that of what people could have experienced in the time peri od these books were published, something that readers for decades could relate toRead MoreGeorge Orwell And Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury1354 Words  | 6 Pagesalike in the ways everyone would think: but when you dig deeper you can see just how different they may be. Both Katharine and Mildred, two character from 1984 by George Orwell and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, are ignorant women married to the main characters of the novels: Winston Smith, from 1984, and Guy Montag, from Fahrenheit 451. The women seem almost identical in going through their bland lives everyday talking to the relatives and listening to the telescreen, but in some ways they are polarRead MoreRay Bradbury s Fahrenheit 451 And George Orwell1669 Words  | 7 PagesAs said by George Orwell, â€Å"It is not possible for any thinking person to live in such a society as our own without wanting to change it,†(Orwell). This idea, under the category of knowledge, is reflected through two novels Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 and George Orwell’s 1984â€â€as people who spend time thinking are caught rebelling against the government’s power and face severe consequences. The protagonists, Montag and Winston, are both desperately searching for answers that pique their curiosityRead MoreGeorge Orwell s Fahrenheit 451 1092 Words  | 5 Pagesdystopian texts; 1984 and Fahrenheit 451. Orwell’s 1984 was committed to paper under the backdrop of the Stalinist totalitarian regime in the Soviet Union, where the freedom of thought had been abolished; which parallels the fascist sovereignty of 1984, governed under the omnipresent puppeteer, Big Brother. Intended to be a warning to humanity concerning the â€Å"poisons of totalitarianism†(Orwell) which denies individuals of basic rights. Similarly, Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 was scribed during theRead MoreOppression By George Orwell And Fahrenheit 4512355 Words  | 10 Pagesachieved in 1984 and Fahrenheit 451 ‘If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face – forever’ O’Brien explains to Winston whilst torturing him near the end of Nineteen Eighty-Four. It is this sense of oppression which Orwell and Bradbury both portray in their novels. Oppression can be defined as the, ‘cruel or unjust use of power or authority’. In Nineteen Eighty-Four there is quite a clear sense of cruelness and totalitarianism, whereas in Fahrenheit 451 there is a lessRead MoreAnalysis Of Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury And 1984 By George Orwell1784 Words  | 8 PagesMENTALITY OF CONFORMITY The societies in Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury and 1984 by George Orwell clearly show the serious effects of conformity. Despite the lack of freedom to think independently, both societies maintain their general happiness. Conformity is the most common and most persuasive form of social influence. The matching of attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors are signs of conformity. It has become an unconscious, natural part of everyday life; however, it has been occurring for centuriesRead MoreGeorge Orwell s 1984 And Ray Bradbury s Fahrenheit 4511967 Words  | 8 Pages In a totalitarian government, the citizens have no say in how a country is controlled. There will be a few individuals who feel barricaded and want to liberate themselves from the oppressive government. In George Orwell’s 1984 and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451 both main characters, Winston Smith and Guy Montag, want control over their lives but it is destroyed by the oppression of individual thinking under a totalitarian government. Two factors that help create control in their life are the relationshipsRead More1984 And Fahrenheit 4511505 Words  | 7 PagesIn the texts, 1984, by George Orwell, and Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, the concepts of totalitarianism and censorship are addressed in various ways. Both texts are of dystopian fiction, set in post-nuclear war nations, although they are somewhat of a different nature. The concepts of totalitarianism and censorship are explored throughout the texts by addressing the issue of ‘knowledge is power’, the use and abuse of technology and the desensitising of society. Although these are mentioned inRead MoreThe Loss of Personal Freedoms in a Totalitarian Government Essays1810 Words  | 8 Pagesto choose their occupation. In fact, these citizens have no rights. They cannot speak freely, they do not enjoy any personal freedoms or privacy, and the media is aggressively censored. This is the world of George Orwell’s 1984 and Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451. The protagonist of Fahrenheit 451 is Guy Montag, and he is a fireman. His job is to destroy books completely by setting fire to them. Winston Smith is the main character in 1984, where he works as a civil servant in the lower class ruling partyRead MoreFahrenheit 451 Vs. 1984970 Words  | 4 PagesFahrenheit 451 vs. 1984 Ray Bradbury and George Orwell share a very similar theme in their two novels, Fahrenheit 451 and 1984. Winston Smith and Guy Montag work within an authoritarian organization, in which, they have opposing views of the authority. The novels are placed in a dystopian setting that the authority believes is a utopia. The dystopian fictions both have very similar predictions of the future. The predictions from these novels have not happened. However, it could be a short matter
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