Friday, December 27, 2019
The Marijuana Of The United States - 954 Words
In that same year, Congress heard testimony asserting the same notion from the Vice President of the Pharmaceutical Examining Board of Pennsylvania, Dr. Christopher Koch. Dr. Koch warned about â€Å"Chinks†who keep white women as their â€Å"concubines†in their opium dens. In addition, he said, â€Å"The colored people seem to have a weakness for it (cocaine)†¦It produces a kind of temporary insanity. They would just as leave rape a woman as anything else, and a great many of the Southern rape cases have been traced to cocaine.†Whereas, just minutes later in his testimony he rationalized that white professionals â€Å"take morphine to quiet them, and they take cocaine to brace them up.†The first marijuana laws weren’t directed at blacks and Mexicans by statute, but they were sponsored by law enforcement and an extension of Jim Crow tactics. Historians Richard J. Bonnie and Charles H. Whitebread, authors of The Marijuana Conviction: A History of Marijuana Prohibition in the United States, documented a pervasive racial bias that motivated the formation of these laws. Only a few press clippings were necessary to drum up enough fear to pass those early marijuana laws. â€Å"All Mexicans are crazy, and this (marijuana) makes them crazy,†was a quote from the floor of the Texas Senate which passed the first state marijuana law in 1914. From 1915 to 1937, 27 states passed laws against marijuana. The first state marijuana laws weren’t actually addressing an existing marijuana problem; instead, mostShow MoreRelatedThe Legalization of Marijuana in the United States900 Words  | 4 PagesMarijuana is illegal in 48 of the 50 states, but the drug will most likely be legal in the near future. The heated debate on whether the â€Å"illicit drug†should be legalized in all 50 states keeps resurfacing. The most popular recreational drug in the United States today is marijuana. The formal name for marijuana is Cannabis but it also goes by a number of other street names including bud, grass, weed, reefer, ganja, hemp, and herb. â€Å"In 2011, more than 18 million Americans aged 12 and older reportedRead MoreThe Prohibition Of Marijuana And The United States1559 Words  | 7 PagesCannabis began being outlawed all across the U.S. during the 1900’s and has remained illegal ever since, until recent years when states began legalizing it ( Althou gh many people believe that the reason behind the prohibition of cannabis was based on genuine concern for the possible consequences it may have on the well-being of people if it remained accessible to all, the truth is that the drive behind the U.S.’s prohibition of cannabis was founded on racism. During the early 1900’sRead MoreThe Marijuana Of The United States Government1280 Words  | 6 PagesThe history of marijuana in the United States government date back to the origins of the United States government itself. During the 16th century, the mass production of hemp was encouraged by the British government for its fibrous content, which was used for making fabric, ropes, cords, and other items (â€Å"Marijuana Timeline†2014). By 1619, the Virginia assembly passed legislation requiring each household in the colony to cultivate hemp, praising its variety of beneficial uses. Even after theRead MoreLegalization of Marijuana in the United States729 Words  | 3 PagesIntroduction Marijuana use should be legalized throughout the United States. Marijuana legalization is becoming a highly popular argument among the country. Marijuana has been used for a very long time throughout the country for many medical uses. Starting in the 1900’s marijuana as well as other drugs such as cocaine and opium were not considered drugs and were in fact very commonly used. Not much later in 1914 the U.S. made cocaine illegal for non-medical purposes, 56 years later in 1970 cocaineRead MoreLegalization Of Marijuana For The United States1416 Words  | 6 Pages The use of recreational marijuana is illegal in the United States. Although cannabinoids--the active compounds in marijuana may have the potential to help manage certain symptoms. Researchers around the world, including some in the United States, are continuing to explore the potential of the marijuana drug in use to help patients who benefit from the drug. According to our class notes, marijuana and Tabaco contain almost the same amount of chemical’s at over 500. The side effects include healthRead MoreThe Legalization Of Marijuana And The United States1709 Words  | 7 PagesThe Legalization of Cannabis The legalization of Cannabis in the United States is an extremely hot topic in the current media. Currently, 23 states and D.C. have laws to legalize use of Cannabis (NORML). Cannabis is also known as marijuana, dope, pot, grass, weed, head, Maryjane, doobie, bud, ganja, hashish, hash, bhang (Cannabis). Cannabis is now the third most popular recreational drug in America, this is behind alcohol and tobacco. It has been used by 100 million Americans (Cannabis). SinceRead MoreLegalizing Marijuana in the United States Essay1700 Words  | 7 PagesLegalizing Marijuana Debate Marijuana, also known as Cannabis is the third most well-liked recreational drug, which only falls behind alcohol and tobacco, in the United States (The Whitehouse, n.d.). Marijuana is made up of dried leaves, plants, stalks, and pits from the hemp plant Cannabis Sativa, which comprises of the mind-altering compound delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), in addition to other associated compounds. This plant substance can correspondingly be converged in a resin called hashishRead MoreShould the United States Legalize Marijuana? Essay1339 Words  | 6 Pagesmarijuana’s introduction to the United States of America in 1611, controversy of the use and legalization of the claimed-to-be Schedule I drug spread around the nation. While few selective states currently allow marijuana’s production and distribution, the remaining states still skepticize the harmlessness and usefulness of this particular drug; therefore, it remains illegal in the majority of the nation. The governm ent officials and citizens of the opposing states believe the drug creates a threatRead MoreMarijuana vs. Alcohol in the United States Essay843 Words  | 4 PagesMarijuana vs. Alcohol In The United States Marijuana and alcohol are the two most threatening drugs used in America today. Marijuana is the most illicit drug while alcohol is the most abused. Both were illegal during the prohibition but when the constitution was ratified in 1933 alcohol was made legal while marijuana remained illegal. It does not mean that because alcohol is still legal it’s less dangerous than marijuana. Both drugs lead to serious risks and should be taken with caution if usedRead MoreOrigins of Marijuana Laws in The United States Essay1125 Words  | 5 Pagesbelieve that the criminalization of marijuana came into effect as a result of research conducted with due diligence by trained scientists and physicians. The true reasons behind the criminalization of marijuana had little to do with the supposed harmful effects from its use as a recreational drug and much more to do with the financial bottom line of the entrenched industrial complex of this country. The leading advocates of the campaign to ba n the use of marijuana were influential businessmen which
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Abolishment of Animal Testing Essay - 1400 Words
Have you ever really thought about what happens during animal testing? How the animals are treated, or what tortures they have to face on a day to day basis? More than one-hundred million animals suffer and die every year through animal testing. Ninety-five percent of animals used in experimentation aren’t even covered under the Animal Welfare Act, which regulates the treatment of the animals that are used for testing. Some animals are abused and mistreated so badly that they die before they are even experimented on. Animal testing is a cruel procedure and should be made illegal. However, animal testing is very important to understanding the human body. Over the years, we have vivisection to thank for many of our medical advances we have†¦show more content†¦A mouse cannot speak for itself, but no living creature would willingly go through some of the horrendous procedures done on test animals. For the most part, a majority of the cruel experiments done to animals are extremely pointless. It has been reported that researchers will inject large amounts of LSD (acid) into elephants, just to see what would happen. The side effects of LSD in humans has already been established, so injecting elephants with the drug was highly unnecessary. Monkeys are also victims of pointless drug experimentations. For the most part, everyone is already aware of the harmful side effects that occur from smoking while pregnant. However, the federal government still grants researchers 10 million dollars to inject pregnant monkeys with nicotine. The nicotine causes the developing monkey fetuses to have lung damage and other birth defects. The unborn babies are then cut out of the mothers and killed so the researchers can perform autopsies on their organs. That is not all; the Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center was awarded $71,623 in stimulus funds to feed cocaine to monkeys. Even though t he effects of cocaine are already known for humans. The list of pointless animal experiments goes on and on. What are researchers even gaining from these useless experiments? Also, humans and animals are not the same! Where’s the reason in testing productsShow MoreRelatedAnimals Is Inhumane, And Animal Testing853 Words  | 4 PagesFollowing along, testing on animals is inhumane, and animal testing, an unbearable act, is universally unwanted by all. Not just animal lovers peering in through the outside disapprove or have a disliking for the tests, but also those from within (and not just the animals) have a distaste for the tests too. Animal testing may hope to advance humans (and lifestyles), whilst preventing or delaying deaths and unnecessarily assuring a cosmetic’s safety, but (ironically) at the expense or reverse ofRead MoreIts Time for a More Responsible Approach to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation1387 Words  | 6 PagesThe debate about using animals for medical testing has been ongoing for years. The struggle is usually between extreme animal rights activists and scientists. The animal rights activists believe animals should never be used for research, and the scientists believe any use of animals is acceptable. Listed below are factual historical accounts of animal use, statistics, and arguments against the use of animals. In ancient Greece animals were used for the study of life science. To learn aboutRead More A More Responsible Approach to Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation1506 Words  | 7 Pagesto Animal Research, Testing, and Experimentation The debate about using animals for medical testing has been raging for years. The struggle always seems to be between extremist animal rights activists who believe that animals should never be used for research, and scientists who believe that any use of animals is acceptable. There are a growing number who argue that there must be a reasonable middle ground. I contend that there must be a significant decrease in the number of animals usedRead MoreAnimal Cruelty And Its Effects On Animals1111 Words  | 5 Pagescalled Down and Feathers. These feathers are mostly used for feather earrings and feather hair extensions, but luckily for feathers it has been pretty easy to purchase false feathers that does not involve animal cruelty. When it comes to cosmetics and testing on animals most of the animal testing is wasted work which doesn’t lead to anything or is still being done to prove what may be obvious. The fashion industry advocates to us that you can transform yourselves by applying on makeup, and what girlRead MoreEssay on The Death Penalty6909 Words  | 28 Pagespossibility of parole) and the two states that conduct the most executions are Texas and Virginia. What we don’t know about the death penalty is whether or not it is the ultimate justice for a grieving family? Or how the United States benefits from the abolishment of the death penalty. Is there a conceivable method to reforming the inconsistent criminal justice system?, and what happens when the mistake is discovered after a man has been executed for a crime he did not commit? The reason why this researchRead MoreNew World Order in Conspiracy Theory13987 Words  | 56 PagesComing, the Last Judgment, and the resurrection of the dead were fulfilled at or about the year 70 when the Roman general (and future Emperor) Titus sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Second Temple of Jerusalem, putting a permanent stop to the daily animal sacrifices. According to Preterists, many passages in the New Testament indicate with apparent certainty that the second coming of Christ, and the end time predicted in the Bible were to take place within the lifetim es of Jesus disciples rather than
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
English Portfolio free essay sample
I think I can still use some work on punctuations, because that’s my weakness I have always struggled with punctuations and I think it’s time to start doing better on those punctuations. Even If I knew how to do punctuations and everything that involves writing a good essay or paragraph I think that there will be still a lot more to learn for me, but I can take a challenge. Luis Gonzalez Professor Shiloh Winsor English 95 May 8, 2013, Description paragraph (Revised) I was at the Elma Fair Grounds, entering the building where we bought our tickets. Exiting that same building right when I got out I received a firm smack in the face by some exquisite smells of cotton candy, fries, burgers, popcorn, with a mixture with barn animals, , and burned rubber from the car races that I had missed due to showing up late. At the entrance I saw beautiful, magnificent, serene, massive, horses, next to the horses where playful, pudgy, and muddy pigs. We will write a custom essay sample on English Portfolio or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After we passed the barn side that’s when the fries, popcorn and burger aroma kicked in, everywhere I looked I would see food, food stands, people walking around selling food and even food on the ground. However, one of the best parts about a fair are the carnival games. I could hear the sound of glass bottles being struck by a plastic object, which was music to my ears, I instantly knew it was the ring toss game one of my favorite and next to that one was the ping pong ball toss. Balloons popping second after second and a man yelling â€Å"WINNER†, I suspected that it would be the balloon pop with darts the worst game ever, basketball toss, in which I ended up spending forty dollars on, Automatic guns going off repeatedly like the sound of a bunch of horses hooves hammering on concrete streets I assumed it would be shooting out the star with a BB gun, another favorite, and the knocking down the pins with a baseball was right next to it. A fair is nothing without the rides, I got the chills listening to kids, teens, and even adults screaming they’re hearts out. That’s when I knew I was going to have a great time. On the left was a propeller type ride where you sit down and go around in circles at a rapid speed, in the center was my all-time favorite the hammer, after riding it three times I felt like I was about to vomit all of my intestines, and on the right was another ride like the hammer but bigger and not nearly as good as the hammer, either way I did witness a couple people puke after that ride, so it’s still scary. It was a great afternoon with a bunch of rides, games, and food to enjoy with friends. I’ll never forget that day and I’ll be back next summer. Comparison paragraph (Revised) There are two places that I visit a lot in the summer and spring they are Westport and Long Beach. I don’t live in either of the places, but in my comparison paper they are both Interesting places to go to, they are both tourist sites and have the same weather. Long Beach for starts has the beach. The beach is very popular with horseback riders, beachcombers, razor clam hunters and kite flyers. It’s a great place to build a sand castle and, in the warmer summer days, to sunbathe. Long beach also has many places to go to like historical sites like Museums or The Lewis and Clark themed trail worth walking, rollerblading or cycling. It’s a fun place to visit, but probably only in the summer like for the Fourth of July. During the Fourth of July it’s like a massive party, non-stop until the morning, there are fire crackers, surfers, kites, quads, and sand castles. Westport also has a beach where you can also play in the sand and enjoy the waves knocking you down on your knees or face. Westport has a small aquarium which displays many of the different fish that live off of the coast. The Boardwalk is my favorite place in Westport. Fishermen and sightseers visit this attraction. You can watch boats enter and exit the Westport Marina right next to you. People visit Westport for its coastal activities like fishing, crabbing, oysters, and Clam digging. There are a lot of similarities between Westport and Long Beach. Both places are tourist sites, they have their large amount of water and they are two great places to visit with family in the summer. Luis Gonzalez Professor Shiloh Winsor English 95 May 8, 2013 Summary of key points (Description and comparison Paragraphs) There are two paragraphs that I’m going to revise, I read the comments from my peers and the comments helped me decide which two I have to revise, so I choose my description paragraph and my comparison paper. I choose my description because on the comments I read I saw that one of my peers said that in some parts it didn’t make sense to them. Also, the book says that it is the act of painting a picture with words. That good descriptions do more than just give readers a picture of a scene; they use the other senses (hearing, touch, taste, and smell) to involve the audience more completely. Also, a good description paragraph has a dominant impression, which includes the elements of description like general and specific words, abstract and concrete words, and sensory details can work together to establish the dominant impression, the overall feeling about the person, object, animal, or place that is being described. Secondly, I choose my comparison paper because on my peer’s comments they gave me some advice to remove some words from the paragraph. Also, the book says that a comparison paper should be written in methods of block or point-by-point and to develop the topic with detailed examples and clear explanations. Also, a comparison paragraph should have a topic sentence or also called a focus sentences, which is the main sentence in the paragraph that lets your reader know what you’re talking about and that topic sentence is supported by brief examples. I think with the help of my peers and obviously the book I’m going to make my two paragraphs look and sound better. Luis Gonzalez Professor Shiloh Winsor English 95 May 8, 2013 Narrative paragraph (rough-draft) Mountain Rainier was an enormous white and blue magical mountain for me when I was a little boy. The long four hour drive up there, It was an amazing mountain that always had snow that would never melted not even in the summer when it was 80 to 85 degrees. The long drive would always fascinate me, I loved to stare out the window and watch the big tall green trees reflect on the nice and clean rivers that we would pass by. Tiny squirrels would climb trees as fast as they could like if they were being chased by another animal. Herds of deer hanging out, looking at their reflections on the river. However, my favorite part was arriving to the Mount Rainier Park. I looked at the mountain and it was the greatest thing ever. It was huge, the most amazing thing I had ever seen, a white blanket around it, and grey rocks sticking out around the mountain. The snow was hard ice, glorious views and wildflower meadows, hikers, mountain climbers, and great camping spots I still remember when my dad graved a snow ball or what I called it an ice ball and he threw it at me as hard as he could and hit me in the back of the head. It hurt, but I felt better when he apologized and promised he would buy me whatever I wanted if I didn’t cry. I still think back on that day, or when I go on trips to certain places, and so far none of those can beat a trip to paradise Mount Rainier. Cause or Effect paragraph (rough-draft) Even the best listeners are unable to listen carefully to everything they hear. I find it impossible to listen to everything I’m ordered to do at once, I either make them write it down, say it slowly or once at a time. One reason is the overload of messages we encounter each day. Besides hours listening to the radio or TV. It just isn’t possible to avoid having the attention wander at least part of this time. Another cause of poor listening is a preoccupation with personal concerns we could have. A romance coming to an end or if you get a good grade on a test, which might just take prominence in your mind even as someone is speaking to you. In addition, being surrounded by noise may result in poor listening. For example, many voices at a noisy party or the sound of traffic may make it difficult for us to hear everything that is being said. Illustration paragraph (rough-draft) Many college students face a number of pressures. For instance, many students have to manage a job while at the same time balancing their school work. This can be very stressful for a college student. I mean I have a job at a retail store and its stressful having to do school work and work, but my boss gives me a couple of days off so I can get my work done so I won’t fail. Students also face many financial pressures. For example, numerous students have to pay for their college on their own. This gives them no other alternative but to take out student loans. Which could leave them in debt for many years. Another example of financial pressures for students is having to support a family while attending college. Supporting a family while attending college can be extremely difficult. Finally, many college students go to college students go to college in different cities and states and have to make new friends and adjust to a different atmosphere. Being a college student can be very rewarding but, there may also be a lot of pressures that need to be dealt with, but at the end it’s worth it.
Tuesday, December 3, 2019
The Ten Plagues Upon Egypt Essays - Book Of Exodus, Bo,
The Ten Plagues Upon Egypt THE TEN PLAGUES UPON EGYPT To escape punishment for killing an Egyptian, Moses ran away to Midian, where he met and married the daughter of a shepherd. During that time, the king of Egypt died, and the Israelites called out to God in their suffering. In the past, God had made a covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob concerning the fate of them and their descendants, and the time had come for Him to rescue them. While Moses was tending his father-in-law's sheep, he led the sheep through the desert until they arrived at Mt. Horeb. There, the angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in the form of flames from a bush. The Lord told Moses that He saw the misery that the Israelites were suffering at the hands of the Egyptians, and would come and rescue them. He instructed Moses to go to the Pharaoh, ask that the Israelites be freed, and then lead them out of Egypt and into the land of the Canaanites. When Moses objected that neither Pharaoh nor his own people would support him, God let him know that He knew Pharaoh's hea rt would harden against Him, so He would show His power to the Egyptians by raining down calamities against them. This display of anger for the Egyptians who refused to follow His will was manifested in ten plagues. God, working through Moses and Aaron, brought misery after misery upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians. 1. The first plague involved changing the water of the Nile River into blood. Moses warned Pharaoh that unless he let the Israelites go to worship God, the river would turn to blood, the fish would die, the water would stink, and the people would not be able to drink. Even the water stored in jars would turn to blood. Pharaoh disobeyed, and God let loose his wrath. Pharaoh hardened his heart as God had said, and walked back into his palace. 2. The second plague occurred seven days later. When the Pharaoh refused yet again to obey God, the Lord brought frogs out of the land. They filled the Nile, and every home, bed and oven. Pharaoh then agreed to free the Israelites if God removed the frogs. God caused the frogs to die the next day, but Pharaoh hardened his heart and broke his end of the agreement. God then sent a third plague. 3. Everywhere throughout Egypt, the Lord changed dust into gnats. They covered men, animals and all of the land. Even Pharaoh's magicians saw this was the work of God, but Pharaoh still would not listen. God knew this was going to happen and sent Moses to Pharaoh to demand freedom, or a fourth plague would descend upon him and his people. Like before, he refused. 4. This fourth plague brought flies over the entire land, except for Goshen, which was where the Israelites lives. Moses had gone and warned Pharaoh of this, and let him know that Goshen would be spared to prove God's power to the Pharaoh. When the flies came, they poured into the palace and the homes of Pharaoh's officials. They covered the land and ruined it. Pharaoh again agreed to free the Israelites so that they could go to the desert and make sacrifices to worship God, but only if the flies were taken away. Again, a deal was made, and God caused every last fly to leave. Yet once again, Pharaoh hardened his heart and would not let the people go. 5. Then the Lord sent Moses to warn Pharaoh of a fifth plague, in which all of Egypt's livestock would die, but not the Israelite's. Pharaoh chose not to obey, and the next day, God brought His plague. Pharaoh sent his men to investigate the livestock of the Israelites, and even though he saw that not one was harmed, he still disobeyed God. 6. God then created a sixth plague, the plague of boils, to sweep across the land. Moses took soot from the furnace and tossed it in the air before the Pharaoh, It became fine dust over the whole land and on every man and animal that it landed on caused a terrible outbreak of boils, but Pharaoh still refused
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